
IPhone 6s upgrade the camera's resolution, 12 million - sensor Sony worrying low light shooting.

Still, there is a term for the iPhone 6s are reported to have improved the quality of camera time in many years. Plus, it comes with the camera sensor from Sony to aid shooting in low light with.

Reports from China indicate that Apple is preparing to upgrade to the next version of the iPhone camera. Which is expected to become iPhone 6s reaches 12 million pixels and uses a camera sensor from Sony which delivers technology to shoot in low light as well as by Mr. Kevin Wang, chief research company IHS Technology of China. revealed that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s Plus will be tilted to a 12 megapixel camera quality of the original Apple's standard of 8 megapixels in the iPhone since its predecessor, the iPhone 4s.

Previously, there was a concern that if Apple makes the iPhone a 12 megapixel camera comes true. There may be problems in terms of dealing with the problem pixel shooting in low light or noise, but recent news that Apple will use the sensor from Sony with RGBW technology, which will have the added grain white pixels in the image. To make the image brighter shooting in low light well, though RGBW pixel that is smaller than the original tablet that uses the iPhone camera or more. The iPhone camera, the pixels are larger than conventional cameras.

In addition, iPhone 6s are likely to be accompanied by Force Touch technology that can distinguish pressure or touch screen. Which was launched in Apple Watch it here.

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