
MICROSOFT launched a reproduction NOKIA 105 to do a full battery of 35 days.

For those who are looking for a phone book does not have much longer battery can not be recharged often. The dream has become a reality already. In a recent report, Microsoft's launch of Nokia 105 phones feature phone keypad to market again. After the launch markets for the first time to the year 2013 and carries the familiar, such as the battery is fully on standby for 35 days in 2000 have added to the contact list and more importantly, have a flashlight, too.

Other features of the Nokia 105 is a display screen measuring 1.45 inches with a resolution of 128 × 128 pixels to work with Symbian Series S30 + Charger with Micro USB port and a battery of 800 mAh can talk continuously for 15 hours with accessories. ability to make sound crisp and loud, with 20 percent more simple game play Snake Xenzia and Bubble Bush 2 attached to it. As well as the ability to support Dual-SIM will be sold separately as well.

The target market of the Nokia 105 is penetrating the consumer wants to buy the first phone. Or groups that want a phone book that can count on the durability and lifespan of the battery. Especially during the long trip, which will be released by Microsoft since the summer months onwards. And is available in three colors: black, white, blue and purchase price is approximately $ 20, there is no tax or discount from the network.

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