
Elephone P8000 Smart Phone 5.5 inches wide LCD FHD CPU Octa-Core, RAM 3GB and large battery 4200 mAh.

Elephone one manufacturer of smartphones in China. Product launches in the Middle Elephone P8000 is equipped with a large capacity 4200 mAh battery and support for 4G LTE connectivity worldwide, too.

Elephone P8000 1080p touch screen display is 5.5 inches wide driven Octa-Core Processor speed 1.5GHz, RAM 3GB, 16GB of internal memory, MicroSD card support for external memory, which has a primary camera resolution 13 megapixel camera. Coffee cells Page 5 megapixel camera and runs on the operating system of Android 5.0 Lollipop priced at $ 210.

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