
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 may surprise debut July.

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 may surprise debut July.
WhoWired news website reported that we may have seen the Galaxy Note 5 at the end of July, this one or two months before the original schedule.

There are many predictions about the launch of Galaxy Note 5 in September at IFA, held in Berlin. Germany Like every year, And there are reports that a prototype of the Galaxy Note 5 to be completed in mid-page. And opened the course as scheduled.

However, a source inside that. Originally scheduled for release may be accelerated from the previous 1-2 months. After processing, the company has progressed faster than expected in the first period are also forecast that the strategy of releasing its debut at the same speed. Advantage brands, Samsung will make other camps. Often launches flagship smartphone in September itself.

Meanwhile, there are reports that Samsung Pay it prepares to launch the actual official during the month of July, as well as Gear A smartwatch like to share with the Galaxy Note 5 as well.

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