
"Samsung Galaxy Tab A" personal assistant that comes with S Pen handle all with ease.

Samsung introduced a smart tablet latest "Samsung Galaxy Tab S (Samsung Galaxy Tab A)" with the S Pen to write realistic. Change text to be printed. And a personal assistant to help manage both work and all the more easy with the S Pen that comes with the function, simply press a button on the pen Air Command. It can include Quick Action Memo note to be operated immediately, Smart Select Choice Content Intelligence, Image Clip montage as needed and Screen Write, write, or decoration on the screen and instantly share. And many functions of the pen to provide a better experience for the user.

Furthermore, with multi-window feature (Multi-window) that can enable multiple applications simultaneous connection of up to five screens so they work more enjoyable. Do not waste time - off by application Galaxy Tab was also characterized by a wide screen. The slim design of only 7.5 mm., And lightweight. Ideal for reading, writing carry a handbag for everyday comfort. With modern design

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 comes with a screen size is 8.0 inches and 9.7 inches, and the operating system of Android Lollipop newest 5-megapixel rear camera with dual focus automatically. Quad Core 1.2 GHz processor, 16 GB internal memory, Micro SD can increase the memory up to 128 GB.

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