
APPLE changes to the deployment FORCE TOUCH IPHONE 6S with.

One of the new capabilities are expected to launch the handset Apple iPhone later this year is the Force Touch to accommodate the weight and length of exposure of users can experience the display or work in. new forms By exposure to the normal one click. And, according to reports from Taiwan It has identified some interesting features that were originally installed will use to access iPhone 6s Plus to create differences between the two versions.

However, the plan, which states that the Force Touch will launch the iPhone 6s another well will be the TPK's supporters in the manufacture of parts for the new iPhone, both scheduled to open. Built in 2015, this market, which is actually two versions released, it will create a new dimension of the app has a lot of applications. And it is interesting that all these developers are able to create a portfolio of their work with the new one.

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