
SONY will hold a three-day tour launch this new product in late May.

According to the disclosure of the press in Taiwan and Hong Kong, the latest available data phone manufacturers from Japan that Sony is preparing to launch their new product, an additional model. The event will be introduced Xperia C4 cell phone safety. And tablets, which launched last week at Mobile World Congress at the beginning of the Xperia Z4 Tablet to each other will be held in Taiwan on February 27 and Hong Kong on 28 May. estimated that the Sony may use such an opportunity to launch this flagship product of the year 2015, they officially do it.

According to rumors it was about mid-April, it has been stated that Sony plans to launch its flagship Xperia new models in the name of Z3 Plus, which will be updated updated hardware in line with the market in 2015, but the shape it. will not change from generation flagship Z3 major launch since the end of 2014 to much, but chose not to use the same name, which was launched Xperia Z4 release in Japan during the summer.

In addition, it also indicated that Sony will hold a press conference in India during May 26th as well, but no details about plans to launch new devices that will be the flagship anticipated with. Two of the above works, because the Xperia Z4 is also a code developed in Lavender with rumors.

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