
Rumors around Apple's iPhone 6s This year is the 12-megapixel resolution camera.

Rumors around Apple's iPhone 6s This year is the 12-megapixel resolution camera.

After we get to know the news of the iPhone 6s that are colorful rose 1 color pink gold, rose gold and Spec increase as new CPU, RAM or a new camera 12 megapixel latest. There are rumors that another surge that reinforces iPhone 6s, which seems to be the name of the new version of Apple this year will have a 12 megapixel camera.

This news comes from Weibo (Social Network China's major similar to Facebook) of Kevin Wong, executive of IHS China, which is a specialist supplier to quote the source of the next generation iPhone, Apple will have a name. called 'iPhone 6s' course and there will be a reduction in the size of the pixels down because Apple is turned to the camera with a larger sensor than the 8 megapixel camera is 12 megapixels.

By increasing the size of the camera sensor from 8 megapixels to 12 megapixels, making it efficient to shoot in low light and reduce noise down and even the number of pixels is reduced. But the resolution is increased. By now, the size of the pixels of the iPhone 6 in the current version is 1.5 microns.

Have to wait and see to that the next generation iPhone, Apple's rumored iPhone 6s name and will be launched this year will have a 12 megapixel camera resolution or not.

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