
Plans delete useless! Galaxy S6 sluggish sales in Japan .

A month ago, Samsung decided to submit the Galaxy S6 markets in Japan without the logo "Samsung" on the smartphone ( previous news ), whereas the smart phone models on top of the latest Samsung also failed . sales were as good as hoped.

BCN market research company Japan as of May 11, 2015 revealed that the Galaxy S6 Edge is ranked 26th of the smartphone's best-selling weekly between April 27 to May 3 in which sales of this model looks like. goes well in its first week on sale in Japan by up to No. 10, but fell to No. 16 the following week, the Galaxy S6 has a bad attitude as well. The first week of release in the top 17, but a week later, falling to # 30.

The disappointing performance of the 'Galaxy S6 occurs clearly only the Japanese market only. While sales of smart phones Galaxy S6 family in other countries. There are good prospects such as

  • 5 ranking in smartphone sales in the UK.
  • 3 On the first smart phone that has the highest sales of the shop Amazon Germany.
  • Initially available in the China market. Sales over the previous four times.
  • A total of 40,000 pre-orders for the Indian Air (Galaxy S5 has achieved 10,000 units).
  • Pre-orders in the US than the Galaxy S5've done it 2 times.

Experts argue that the reason for the Galaxy S6 is not successful in the Japanese market because of Apple's popular smartphone market in Japan very much. The smart phone, the best-selling Top 10 in Japan for the iPhone to six generations together is also a matter of nationalist sentiment against the Korean people is the deepest and the obstacles that Samsung found in Japan and still do. Although he could not see a solution to the name "Samsung" on the smartphone away already.

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